Home Office

Home Office I

How do you stay connected with your team during Home Office? What do you do with your team members that need the office for social interaction. Here are some ideas how to stay connected..

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My principles or what leadership means to me

I have had 14 different supervisors in my 12+ years of work – 9 of them at my current company where I’ve been working since

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Cold Water or Comfort Zone

We all know it and as a team leader, I’m sure we’ve all jumped into cold waters a few times because parts of the job

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How much transparency is good?

I have asked myself this question very often. Thoughts ran through my head like what am I allowed to share, do I lose the respect

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The matter of attitude

If we are honest, we all know it, certain triggers (action, words, situation,…) that cause certain emotions in us and can, for example, drive us

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Home Office

Home Office II  

We’ve been in a home office for just almost 1.5 years, the workload feels like it’s increasing every day and even I (who loves her job) are feeling like everything seems to get more heavy day by day. In my team, I observe two types of behaviors that are becoming more and more apparent. The ones who withdraw and become quieter and the others who use every chance to express their frustration.
How do we handle this? Here are some recommendations.